First in the Maya Mallick Mystery series, set in Seattle, it tells the story of a young, brilliant, dedicated scientist who dies in a violent street protest, leaving behind her questions for a new sleuth to solve. “Readers will look forward to seeing more of the astute Maya.” (Publisher’s Weekly)
Set in 17-Century India, the story of a village girl who becomes one of the most prominent women in India.
Sweeping family saga, about forbidden love and family honor (Sensual...suspenseful, Kirkus Reviews)
Sharmila, an American woman, travels to India for an arranged marriage. ("Smart, swift, and funny" -- Kirkus Reviews)
A spirited woman takes a fascinating journey of self-discovery (Finely crafted - Publisher’s Weekly)
A talented pastry chef rediscovers her love for life. (Witty. sensitive, elegant .. San Francisco Chronicle)